GSG灰猩猩真实反射材质C4D插件 GreyscaleGorilla Topcoat v1.504 C4D R17/R18 Win/Mac + 使用教程
Topcoat is a brand new texturing plugin from Greyscalegorilla that makes reflectance and adding realistic reflection to your scene easy and beautiful.
- 8 Custom Reflection Types
- Millions of Texture Combinations
- Instant Material Preview
- Easy to use interface
- Simple layering of Reflectance
- Modifiers tab for easy texture customization
- 12 Mask and Alpha types
- Built in Anisotropy for instant brushed metal looks
- Horizontal and vertical layout modes
- 打开C4D,编辑-偏好设置(Ctrl+E)打开偏好设置,弹窗左下角,打开偏好设置文件夹,然后拷贝对应版本插件到该文件夹中plugin文件夹中,重启C4D,在插件下拉窗口就可以看到了