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Maya毛发模拟插件破解版 Peregrine Labs Yeti v2.0.24 F_广州影视公司|花都影视广告公司|花都视频拍摄|花都影视制作|花都宣传片专题片拍摄|花都淘宝视频拍摄|花都录像摄影|辉颖影视广告公司

POST DATE 2016-08-06 16:51

Maya Peregrine Labs Yeti

Maya毛发模拟插件破解版 Peregrine Labs Yeti v2.0.24 For Maya 2015/2016 Win/Mac

Yeti是Maya的插件,用于生成皮毛、羽毛和树叶,支持各种渲染引擎包括Pixars Renderman 3Delight Chaos Groups Vray 和Solid Angles Arnold。

Yeti is Peregrine Labs product to produce fur feathers and generating lots of things based around familiar working concepts of a procedural node graph directly within Autodesks Maya.The toolset has been developed as an end to end solution that easily integrates into most pipelines with ease and built with the goal of efficiently transporting and rendering the data generated while maintaining an artist friendly workflow.


  1. 拷贝对应版本插件到C:\根目录,例如C:\Yeti-v2.0.24_Maya2015-windows64
  2. 拷贝yeti.lic 到 C:\rlm
  3. 编辑maya.env,添加 peregrinel_LICENSE = C:\rlm\yeti.lic

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