What exactly is the function of a title sequence? To get things started, Ash will walk you through various examples and dissect what works and what doesn’t in title sequences. Study how the Greats are able to capture a unique glimpse of the story in a short amount of time.
Learn Squared 推出了一套电影大师级别的教程,
设计内容:绘画,摄影,概念设计,UI设计,Matte Painting等
使用软件:CINEMA 4D ,Adobe Illustrator,Adobe Photoshop
Follow along as award-winning title designer, Ash Thorp, demonstrates how to craft detailed and thoughtful main title designs. Alongside Jama Jurabaev, students will learn the core principles of successful titles, and then be challenged to put these concepts to work by creating multiple examples of their own.
电影大师级教程:电影文字标题片头创意设计教程 Learn Squared Main Title Design