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C4D绘制模型建模插件 Nitro4D NitroModel v1.0.1 For Cin_广州影视公司|花都影视广告公司|花都视频拍摄|花都影视制作|花都宣传片专题片拍摄|花都淘宝视频拍摄|花都录像摄影|辉颖影视广告公司

POST DATE 2017-12-19 09:53

C4D绘制模型建模插件 Nitro4D NitroModel v1.0.1 For Cinema 4D R13-R16 Win/Mac破解版 + 使用教程


The NitroModel is my new plugin. With this you can speed up your modeling just draw the outlines of your shape and NitroModel will generate a 3D mesh. NitroModel is easy to use and it does it all with just 4 tools. NitroModel is the basic object. The DrawTool a easy way for creating outlines you can choose to use 1, 2, or 3 point mode. The SelectTool is used to generate a spline from selected polygons. And finally the ConnectTag to connect the different parts of the model. there is the merge tool to Merge the pars to one (leg , body , arms , fingers etc) and to mirror also have cloth to make easy cloth and finaly is the nitromodel setting for setting this help to change poitn color size to make your peferences you like.


  • Win/Mac,Cinema 4D R13/R14/R15/R16


  • 拷贝NitroModel 1.01文件夹到C4D安装目录下的plugins下即可
