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阿诺德插件Arnold渲染器破解版 MAXtoA V0.8.514 For 3_广州影视公司|花都影视广告公司|花都视频拍摄|花都影视制作|花都宣传片专题片拍摄|花都淘宝视频拍摄|花都录像摄影|辉颖影视广告公司

POST DATE 2016-11-20 10:24

MAXtoA_ Arnold for 3ds Max

阿诺德插件Arnold渲染器破解版 MAXtoA V0.8.514 For 3DS Max 2017

在SIGGRAPH 2016宣布发布3DS MAX版本的阿诺德插件,目前只支持3DS MAX 2017

Launching at SIGGRAPH 2016, Arnold for 3ds Max (or MAXtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard 3ds Max interface. Current v0.5 version of MAXtoA is a Preview Release.


  • Integration with 3ds Max shapes, cameras, lights and shaders.
  • Image Based Lighting support, including a state of the art physical sky.
  • 3ds Max ActiveShade interactive rendering allows parameter changes to be rapidly previewed without interrupting your work.
  • Support for AOVs & Deep EXR files.
  • Defer the creation of geometry at render time with the Procedural placeholder nodes.
  • Texturable Mesh lights.
  • 3rd Party Arnold shader support.
  • MAXtoA Cloud Rendering for stills and animations. Users can join the optional Autodesk ‘Render Pilot’ program, which now supports MAXtoA.
